
Run a simulation to see how well different character input sources behave.

Module Contents

apologies.simulation.BASE_HEADERS = ['Scenario', 'Mode', 'Iterations', 'Players', 'Player 1', 'Player 2', 'Player 3', 'Player 4',...
apologies.simulation.SOURCE_HEADERS = ['Median Turns', 'Mean Turns', 'Median Duration (ms)', 'Mean Duration (ms)', 'Wins', 'Win %']
apologies.simulation.run_simulation(iterations: int, output: str, sources: List[apologies.source.CharacterInputSource]) None

Run a simulation.

  • iterations (int) – The number of iterations (number of times to play the game)

  • output (str) – Path to the output file to write

  • sources (List[CharacterInputSource]) – The source to use for each player in the game